suvidha dena example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word suvidha dena usage in english sentences. The examples of suvidha dena are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., assist.

As business activities these may be considered part of commerce because as auxiliaries to trade they assist trade.

Auxiliaries to trade are activities which assist trade.
For instance, rapid increase in depressive tendencies and suicidal rates among adolescents is one such area, where psychological knowledge dedicated to the issues of adolescent development is utilised for getting a clearer understanding of the occurrence of these phenomena, and certain intervention models are developed to assist the youth experiencing such problems early in their lives.
With an objective to promote established exporters and assist them in marketing their products in international markets, the government grants the status of Export House, Trading House, Star Trading House to select export firms.
The main objectives behind setting up this international organisation were to aid the task of reconstruction of the war-affected economies of Europe and assist in the development of the underdeveloped nations of the world.
These officers work under political executive and assist them in carrying out the day-to-day administration.
Ministers of State are attached to and required to assist Cabinet Ministers.
Of course, if you put it like that, I'll be glad to assist you.
The laws which reserve seats in education and government employment for Dalits and Adivasis are based on an important argument- that in a society like ours, where for centuries sections of the population have been denied opportunities to learn and to work in order to develop new skills or vocations, a democratic government needs to step in and assist these sections.
Thus, the primary objective of financial statements is to assist the users in their decision-making.
संबंधित शब्द सुविधा देना के पर्यायवाची सुविधा देना के विपरीत शब्द